Grow your brand
with Wasaiyy Advertising Platform.
Find the most potential audience for your mobile apps or mobile business
Your Global Partner for True Connectivity in Mobile Advertising
Features of Wasaiyy Advertising Platform.
Various types of contents
You can create, edit and add contents in real time, as well as produce contents in a variety of formats tailored to your purpose, including card news, video, and app download.
Easy campaign manage
Through Wasaiyy's platform, you can easily manage a wide variety of contents and campaigns and operate them customized to your situation.
Automatic Optimization
Performance tracking scripts track the final goal activity and automatically optimize the media, contents, and time of day based on the tracking results.
Targeting Options
Interest Targeting
When an article containing a specific keyword is viewed, keyword relevant ads are also exposed.
Media Targeting
You can expose the advertisement by selecting specific media more appropriate to your campaign.
Region Targeting
An advertisement is exposed for specific cities or areas based on user
How to make more profits
Expose your content to major media companies and attract more customers